Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Coach Carter -- The End

At the end of reading Coach Carter, we came together to talk about our likes and dislikes of the book, the general message we got, and the similarities between the movie and the novel.

--Damien deciding to transfer from St. Francis to Richmond High School so he can be coached by his father.
--Ken Carter remaining strong and not giving up when his team seemed to be rebelling against him and his theories about school being first.
--Carter staying true to his contracts even though the public didn't like them.
--When the whole basketball team came together as a family and decided that they were going to stick together.

--Coach Carter locking out his players from the High School gym because they failed to follow their contracts.
--Timo Cruz leaving the team because he felt like he was better than the team and didn't need to follow any contract.
--When all of the player's parents and the school board felt like Ken Carter making the contracts was a bad idea and that there was no way that the students can follow them.
--Because of Richmond High School lockout the Oilers had to forfeit two basketball games to end their perfect game-winning streak.

Coach Carter the movie was very much like the book. All of the events in the book basically were similar in the movie. We liked the movie and the book a lot. We would recommend reading the book if you want to be inspired and motivated to achieve what you dream of and if you want to work hard to get something that you want.

The message we got from the book was that when things are tough in your life, whether it's with your family, growing up on the wrong side of the neighborhood, or just going through tough times, you have a choice. You can either let your life continue the way it is now or choose to change and work hard to achieve anything you want.

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