Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thinking Question 4

Coach Ken Carter made national news when he locked the gym doors at Richmond High School because the backetball players failed to obey their contracts. Have you ever been in a position when you had to follow some sort of a contract before? What would have happened if you failed to follow it?


  1. Yes, I have to follow a contract now... I broke a few before already. If I disobeyed this one, I'd be yelled at and grounded for a while. I'd have some people disaappointed in me. And the ones I have broke, only a couple people know I did, so sshhhh.. lol.

  2. Yes, I have to follow some kind of contract. I have broken this one many times before. If anyone finds out about this one again I would get grounded or something to that extent. I have not done this specific thing in a while. Most of the things i have done not many people know about.

  3. Yes, for high school sports you pretty much have to follow a contract saying that you wont drink and that you will maintain half way decent grades. Its not really a contract but its like a contract. If I was disobeyed that contract I could possible be kicked off that certain sports team, providing someone found out.

  4. I am extremely disappointed with people who break contracts....pro athletes do it all of the time...they sign a contract for a certain amount for a set amount of time...then, if they have a great year, or if someone gets paid more, they hold out until they can get a raise...of course, if they have a bad year, they never offer to give the money back....for athletes, and any others, don't sign the contract, no matter what it is, if you cannot follow the guidelines and rules of the contract...signing it and sneaking around, doing your best to not get caught, is not a very positive way to approach things....

  5. I have a contract with my parents about my phone. If I ever go over on texting or minutes used, either I pay for it or my parents get my phone for however long they think is nessecary.
    It is an unwritten contract, which can be risky. Since it isn't written, there can be misunderstandings about what the guidelines are and what the concequences can be.

  6. I do not have a specific contract to follow but if I had one I think I would have to agree to the contract or I probably wouldn't be able to do what the contract is for. If I had a contract I think their would be consequences if I did not obey the contract.

  7. Yes, i've had to sign a contract through work. I had to sign it to say that I would complete my job to the best of my abilities. Also, when they have to take a urine sample on you. Unlike many people i haven't failed to follow through. If i would get caught i'd loose my job and I wouldn't get a recommendation if I applied for another job.

  8. Whenever there are school activites for sports out of town, there is always a contact included. You must abide by the State High School League rules and any others that your coaches set. If you violate a State High School League rule you will be suspended from that sport for a certain amount of time depending of the severity of the violation. The coaches may set their own consequences depending on their rules.

  9. Every year I sign a contract with the Minnesota State High School Leauge to play sports. I've never broken this contract, but if I did there would be consequences. I would have to sit out several weeks of whatever sport I was currently in.

  10. Yes, I do have a contract with my parents, it is not a written contract but it is a contract I have to follow. My parents are very strict about no alcohol and no tobacco and going to church every Sunday and Wednesday. If I broke this contract there would be very intense consequences and I would not have the privilages I have now. I do believe that I have to follow this and it really is not a hinderance, it is actually a positive guideline.
