Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lit Circle 2

Our second reading was from pages 25-50, which this came to be our second lit circle. Chapter 3 started with Coach Carter's son Damien playing basketball in their driveway which turned into an argument about Damien wanting to transfer from St. Francis to Richmond High. One statement from the argument was this "You making me go to St. Francis doesn't feel like a choice." Damien pointed out. "Damien-" "If I've got a choice," Damien interrupted, "I choose Richmond." From there Damien turned and walked out of the kitchen, this conversation was now over. Coach Carter had a meeting for all basketball players and at least one parent. This meeting was reguarding the contract and the rules that the players must abide by. A few days later Damien comes home and has the transfer papers from Richmond High. He brings them to his dad and was able to convince his father to sign them. The following day Damien attends Richmond High and is late for his first day of basketball practice. Damien's consequence was no different than any other player on the team just because he was Coach Carters son he did not receive any special treatment.

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