Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thinking Question 3

Richmond players overcame their own David and Goliath moment by winning the tournament. Have you ever had one of those moments that you have overcame?


  1. Yes... When I beat a coach at something. Making a half-court shot. He was impressed considering the fact that I am a girl and he was a coach on the boys team.

  2. My junior season, we had a very good football team...it was the first time in a long time that we had a good football team....so, we weren't really sure how good we could be....we worked our way up to #6 in the state polls, and were to face the #3 team in the polls that Friday night...we knew that this was going to be the big test for us....in front of a huge crowd, we ended up winning that game by a 16-14 score I believe.....that win gave us confidence and propelled us to the state runner-up that season....

  3. Yes, i've had a few of those moments. Usually at holidays our family gets together and hangs out. The nieces and nephews play football or something against the uncles. My uncle Ryan and I are really competative and hate loosing. When I was 5 years old I dared him to race me to the barn. Of course he said yes! Grandpa yelled ready, set, go.. I ran as fast as my little legs would let me. As soon as I knew it i was to the barn! I beat Ryan. I'm sure he let me win, but I felt pretty cool after that.

  4. I don't think I have ever had a moment on quite that scale of things. I have done some things many people didn't think I could. Many people say "well I could never do that.." and well if you never try you never will. David was a teenager going up agianst a warrior who had been fighting for many many years. No one messed with this guy. He had all the moves, the arrmor, and the fear of everyone around him. Yet, David conquerred him with the help of God. I think we all should try to believe we can do things even if it seems a little bizarre. But on my part, sometimes when school gets stressful and there is 4 projects due and you study and is due the next day.... When I finish all those and hand them in I feel like David overcoming Goliath.

  5. When I went to El Salvador I had a David and Goliath moment. I never believed that I could pray for someone and God would preform a miracle, sure I had heard of other people doing it but I always had the fear and worry that I was not good enough to do that. Well, when I went to El Salvador I prayed for a man who was parlyzed from the neck down I wanted to see God preform a miracle through me so I let my guard down and did not worry how "unimportant" I was. After a few minutes of praying for this man he stood up and walked. It was an amazing miracle! If I did not overcome my worry and fear God probably would not have used me. This miracle was one of my very few David and Goliath moments.

  6. Not really, but i have had people say "oh you can't do that", or "you wont be able to do that". But i was able to do it because i had the effort to try it, yeah i may have failed a couple of times but that don't matter at lest i still tried.

  7. Yes I probably had a few little moments that someone said I couldn’t do something and I proved them wrong. But I have yet to do something substantial in my life that proved someone or something wrong. But I’m young and have the rest of my life before me, so watch out!
