Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thinking Question 1

Coach Carter helped out his old high school by coming back and coaching a less fortunate team. Have you ever helped a group of people or someone in a big way even though you lost most your free time?


  1. Yes, I have helped a lot of people by giving up my free time. I have helped served at homeless shelters, packaged food for those in need, and cleaned yards. Yes, helping those people took up a lot of my free time but it was worth it. Seeing the faces of those I helped was very satisfying and a wonderful gift that I could give.

  2. Yes, during the first quarter i was involved in the Learning to Give class. During this class we organized a "Team Lemon Walk" where we raised money for childhood cancer. We also set up a benefit for a schoolmate who had cancer, and raised over $2,500 towards her medical expenses!

  3. Yes i have. I was in a class a Great Depression class last year. During that class we went up to the twin cites to a homeless shelter. At the shelter some of us played with the kids while their parents were at work and others helped serve food.

  4. My sisters have all been involved in activites like helping people and vollunteering. So, this rubbed off on me. My sister was the volunteer activities coordinater of Hospice Care of Worthington. When she needed people to volunteer, I was one of her first choices to ask since she can persaid me to do almost anything. I have volunteered at hospice care and spent time with those people and it teaches you to care more about other peoples lifes instead of getting caught up in ourselves.

  5. yes, i have helped people in many various ways through a class i took last quarter. During the quarter we went on a lot of feild trips. On some of our trips we fed homeless people, packadged rice, and made blankets. It was really hard work sometimes but in changed my outlook on life in some ways. It made me realize that there is a lot more problems out there than just our own.

  6. Yes, I helped with many different things during the Learning to Give class last quarter. I helped make blankets for people in need. I also helped sort coats for Coats for Kids. We had to spend a lot of time outside of class with these activies, but they were worth it.

  7. Yes I've helped people, giving up my free time. I help in nursing homes, in VBS, and in Sunday school. Things like that. I babysit and help people with their kids if I know them. I also help some people with their homework...

  8. Yes, I helped the church out with going to feed the homeless people, and by helping with sunday school. I help families watch there childern when they have plans to go out and hang with friends or other activities. On special holidays I help my grandma and grandpa make goodies. Yummy!!! :)

  9. I have helped a group of people, and I know it did affect them. I have went and served and church soup and pie suppers, feed the homeless, and went on a mission trip to Lousianna to help after hurrican Katrina. When I went down to Lousianna I did loose one week of sumer vacation, but I definately do not regret any minute of it!
